Well, everybody is talking about it ! The much hyped movie ‘ Endhiran’ hit the box offices on October 1, 2010 and people who have watched it are ecstatic about it.
What is it ? 10 quick facts about the movie:
1) Endhiran (The Robot) is a Tamil science fiction film released in India and worldwide.
2) It is Asia’s most expensive movie and India’s costliest movie !
3) Officially budgeted at Rs. 162 crores, it also made the largest worldwide opening for a Tamil film.
4) The dubbed versions are Robo in Telugu and Robot in Hindi language.
5) The main role of the hero is played by the Super star of Tamil Cinema, Rajinikanth, who does a double role. Aishwarya Rai, who won the Miss World title in early 90’s, is the main female lead in the movie.
6) The music has been provided by the dual Oscar winner A.R.Rehman and the film is directed by S Shankar.
7) The Matrix team along with Yuen Woo Ping has created the stunts for Robot.
8) The team that created special effects for Terminator and Jurassic Park has worked for this film.
9) The costumes for the movie have been designed by, Mary E.Vogt , the Hollywood designer for ‘Men in Black’ series.
10) More than 70 percent of the total cost of this film was spent for the special effects alone.
Gotta definitely watch it !
Did you know ?
The world’s most expensive film is, James Cameron’s, Avatar, which cost Rs.1,200 crore.
‘Cinema should make you forget you are sitting in a theater’.
- Roman Polanski